As we fast approach the Christmas period, there's a big focus on perfecting every last detail. From cleaning every corner of the house, to writing the Christmas list, no job is left undone.
But there's one thing we all tend to push further down that Christmas list.....YOUR FEET!!!!!!!
Many people suffer with corns and callus, and we don't want these frustrating foot formations to interrupt your festivite fun.
Callus is hard skin which forms in high pressure areas. Similarly, hard corns form under the same conditions. There are many different types of corns but for this blog we will only discuss the most common type - hard corns.
These are usually found on the ball of your foot and the tops of your toes. Sometimes the formation of corns and callus can be influenced by your footwear, while other times they may develop due to the shape of your foot and commonly occur with age.
Callus is often asymptomatic, although it can get to a stage where it becomes thick, yellow and unsightly. Other times, callus can feel like a hard lump or stone under your shoe and create great discomfort. NOT what you want over the holidays!
Hard corns are usually painful. Patients describe it like a sharp dart in their foot. This is because a corn is a cone shaped piece of hard skin which pierces into your flesh. Again... not something on my Christmas list.
The good news is, if you're suffering from either or both of these problems, Peak Podiatry is here to help!
Our podiatrists specialise in routine chiropody, removing corns and callus with precision and care.
Better again, our chiropody appointments are currently just 45euro for the month of December and January. Spaces are filling up fast, so phone us on 091734140 to secure your spot, or book online at
Let's tackle the problem head on, pop in today, and don't let corns and callus be that Grinch who stole Christmas...
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One of our team will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your Foot Pain.
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